% ***** CYRMEMO.DEF ***** 11 Aug 85, bb % This file contains the instructions necessary to produce the memos % which describe the use of the AMS cyrillic font. PLAIN is presumed % to be preloaded. The cyrillic 10-point font is required, as is % the file CYRACC.DEF. \newfam\cyrfam \font\tencyr=mcyr10 \font\tensmc=amcsc10 \def\smc{\tensmc} \input cyracc.def \def\cyr{\tencyr\cyracc} \newif\iffirstpage \firstpagetrue \newdimen\pagelgt \pagelgt=9in \newbox\letterhead \setbox\letterhead=\vbox{\vskip 1pc \vbox to 0pt{\halign{\hss{#}\hss\cr \bf American Mathematical Society\cr P.\thinspace O.~Box 6248\cr Providence, RI 02940\cr}\vss}} \vsize=\pagelgt \advance\vsize by-\ht\letterhead \headline={\iffirstpage \centerline{\bf INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM}\else \line{\ssub \hfil \rdate\quad Page \folio}\fi} \footline={\iffirstpage \rightline{\box\letterhead}\global\vsize=\pagelgt \global\firstpagefalse \fi} \def \topitem#1#2{\leavevmode \hangindent 5pc \hbox to 5pc{\bf #1\hss}#2\par } \def \toname #1<{\gdef\mto{\topitem{To:}{#1}}} \def \fromname #1<{\gdef\mfrom{\topitem{From:}{#1}}} \def \longsub #1<{\gdef\lsub{\topitem{Subject:}{#1}}} \def \shortsub #1<{\gdef\ssub{#1}} \def \date #1<{\gdef\mdate{\topitem{\bf Date:}{#1}} \gdef\rdate{#1}} \def \topinfo{{\parindent=0pt \parskip=.5\baselineskip \def \\{\hfil\break } \mdate \mto \mfrom \lsub \vskip\baselineskip }} % Support verbatim listing of TeX source, as defined in TeXbook, p. 421 % lifted from MANMAC.TEX, and modified slightly as for TUGboat \chardef\other=12 \def\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\=\other \catcode`\{=\other \catcode`\}=\other \catcode`\$=\other \catcode`\&=\other \catcode`\#=\other \catcode`\%=\other \catcode`\~=\other \catcode`\_=\other \catcode`\^=\other \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt} \newdimen\ttrightskip \ttrightskip=5pc \outer\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip=\z@ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip=-\ttrightskip \ttfinish} {\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character |obeylines % end of line is active |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}} \catcode`\|=\active {\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}} \newskip\ttglue {\tentt \global\ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em} % this should be installed in each font